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As a STEAM focus (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) school, we thread those subjects throughout each class in numerous ways for students. We also have assemblies and family nights that enrich our focus including an Art Walk each spring where families can walk through our whole school admiring the incredible work students did all year. Our fifth grade classes even put on their own musical, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Jr. during the 23-24 school year during their music class with Ms. Shauna!  

Students are very fortunate to get to visit the Science Lab once a week to spend time with Mr. Appling. They never know what they might do from building rockets, investigating crime scenes to cooking African food. Everything is interwoven into the Science standards and grade level unit studies. Mr. Appling also has the opportunity to lead our 4/5 advanced compacted math class and other math enrichment. 

This year, we are starting a new program called STEAM Buddies which we are very excited about. Multi-grade buddies will enjoy participating in STEAM projects together every week!

Mark Appling

Job Title: Teacher
Phone Numbers:
School: 720-561-7074